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I, ERIC HUTCHINSON, Administrator of Norfolk Island and delegate of the Commonwealth Minister under section 5 of, and item 1.37 of the Schedule to, the Minister’s Norfolk Island Delegation Instrument 2019:
12 November 2021
Norfolk Island Airport’s biannual emergency exercise will take place on Thursday the 18th November 2021 at 0900.
12 November 2021
Based on the recommendations put forward in these reports, NIRC will commence inspection of on-site wastewater
12 November 2021
Emergency Management Norfolk Island and Norfolk Island Regional Council would like to remind the community of preparations
12 November 2021
The Norfolk Island destination website has maintained a Business Directory for over 10 years.
12 November 2021
Waste Management ticket collection – there will be no more dedicated ticket collector at the entrance to the WMC shed, with an honestly system being introduced
12 November 2021
An update on work to resolve the critical issues of leave portability and superannuation arrangements
11 November 2021
The aim of the firearms amnesty is to improve public safety by reducing the number of unlicensed and unregistered firearms in the community.
11 November 2021
An intention to enrol form is also now available to support the usual planning process at NICS.
11 November 2021
Commander Christopher Doherty expressed his pleasure at returning to Norfolk Island
11 November 2021
Decisions made in relation to development applications are reviewable decisions within the meaning of subsection 78(1) of the Planning Act 2002 (NI).
11 November 2021
The Committee welcomed the announcement earlier in the week that the agreement had been signed by the Commonwealth and Queensland governments to support delivery of state-type services to Norfolk Island
05 November 2021