Norfolk Assists Those In Need Inc (NATIN Inc) has been formed as a not for profit organisation to apply for, raise and distribute on a selected basis, emergency type funding towards assisting those who require urgent medical evacuation (medivac) for off-shore emergency medical and/or hospital attention.

NATIN aims to liaise and co-operate with other organisations with similar or complementary objectives. At all times the Association will keep the Norfolk community informed of the objectives and benefits available through the Association.

The Association plans to apply for such grants or sources of funding as may be available to fund the objectives of the Association. This will include philanthropic gifts and up to four major fundraisers throughout each calendar year.

For further information about NATIN and to donate, please read on.

NATIN is a registered charity

We thank you for your interest about supporting Norfolk Island residents in need. NATIN is a registered charity.

Please read on.


Who is eligible?


People who have resided on Norfolk Island for a period in excess of three years are eligible to apply for financial assistance for urgent medical evacuation (private or commercial flight) and emergency offshore medical or hospital treatment that is not available locally.


Referring medical practitioners, general practitioners, or registered medical specialists will be requested to submit a supporting statement for each application.


Applicants can reach out via Facebook to gain the application form or alternatively an application form can be collected from the Norfolk Island Hospital, or from this website page on the Norfolk Online News website. Credit card or bank account details will be required when making application for assistance in order that a bank transfer can be made when the application has been approved.


For those who are successful with their application, funds may be used towards the reasonable cost of air travel from Norfolk Island to either Sydney or Brisbane, road travel from the airport to the hospital, accommodation assistance and additional transport assistance such as taxi or airport shuttle.


The Fund Distribution Committee (FDC) will consider and approve all applications.

The FDC will comprise of not more than three (3) members, who are not members of the Association, and who are selected and engaged by the Association's Executive Committee with the Association's Treasurer being an ex officio member of the FDC with no voting rights.

The functions and duties of the FDC are:

(i) To consider applications from applicants who meet the eligibility criteria as stated above who are identified by the FDC as being in need of financial assistance arising from the applicants need for emergency off-shore medical attention and being within the parameters of eligibility for assistance.

(ii) The FDC has in the first instance, absolute discretion as to approval and granting of financial assistance applications but the FDC must when considering funding assistance be satisfied that the applicant has an urgent financial need to meet immediate expenses arising from the off shore medical attention and which cannot be readily funded by the applicant from other sources.

(iii) Upon receipt of the completed application form the successful recipient of the funding assistance is under an obligation to provide to the FDC evidence of expenditure of the financial assistance given. This expenditure can be used for transport, accommodation, and phone costs whilst on the mainland for emergency medical treatment. All monies not expended by the recipient must be returned in full to the FDC. Depending on availability of funds and if funding is approved the recipient will receive $1,500.

(iv) The FDC is to maintain and demonstrate at all times, sensitivity towards and the privacy of, the circumstances and situation of the proposed recipient.

(v) The FDC is to regularly account to the Executive Committee as to grants of funding assistance.

Full details on the Objectives, Operation and Eligibility of NATIN Inc can be gained by reaching out via Facebook to the NATIN Inc Constitution.

It is our hope to run up to four main fundraisers per year and have sufficient funds to cover those applicants who meet the eligibility criteria and therefore are entitled to financial assistance.


We thank you for your generous to support, to Norfolk Island residents in need.


I'm an Islander, how can I get help?

Visit this website page to download and submit an application form. Or reach out via our Facebook page. We're here to help.

John Geidt

Jen Pope is the President of the Norfolk Assists Those In Need Inc (NATIN Inc). Contact Jen on 57706.

Jen Pope

Gretchen Geidt

Lou Tavener is the President of the Norfolk Assists Those In Need Inc (NATIN Inc). Contact Lou on 50777.

Lou Tavener

John Geidt

You can send your NATIN appication form to Naomi Thompson at naomi.thompson@ninet.nf or P.O. Box 606, Norfolk Island 2899

Naomi Thompson