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Watawieh Orl Yorlye? (Hello and how are you all?)
Norfolk Online is Norfolk Island's only online news and information service providing comprehensive coverage of Norfolk Island events and news.
Our team of Alison, Nicola Reeves, Peter Christian Bailey, Betty Matthews, Carli Christian, Tim Young, Margaret Christian, Mary Christian Bailey, Cristina McRitchie and Rachel Borg are all Norfolk Islanders and are dedicated to providing you with a professional and entertaining service.
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Thaenks f'aklan an tek keyah (Thanks for us and take care).
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The lovely Natalie Grube started compiling audio Norf’k Language lessons for the Norfolk Online website, featuring 7th generation Pitcairn descendant Marie Beadman…
The History of writing Pitkern and Norf’k. And the History of writing Pitkern and Norf’k.
The Norfolk Island language was created by the Bounty Mutineers and their Tahitian wife’s who made home on Pitcairn Island…
Meet your dedicated writers and collaborators, who work tirelessly to put the Norfolk Online Newsletter together each week.
Carli Christian is a 9th Generation to Fletcher Christian and 8th Generation Mathew Quintal, together with daughter Aurora who is 5 years old reside on island at Rocky Point overlooking Kingston and Emily Bay, they enjoy the day to day lifestyle and sustainable island living. Not only dose Carli write for Norfolk Online but she also has her own business called Island Concierge which specialising in tailor made Retreats & Weddings.
Alison Christian is a seventh generation descendant of Fletcher Christian. Alison and her partner Adam Kennerley, have two children, Eamonn who is 17 years old and Danielle who is 14. Alison and Adam have built their home on Family land that has been passed down through the generations at Bucks Point, Norfolk Island. Alison has been working for Norfolk Online since 2006.
Rachael is a sixth generation Norfolk Islander. Her family is very important to her and she is very proud of her Island home and it's people. Rachel has a passionate interest in the Norf'k language and culture. She feels it is a fragile and wonderful legacy and that it is important for everybody to actively participate in its maintenance, preservation and perpetuation. Rachel has been writing for Norfolk Online since 2007.
Cristina is a busy mother of 3 who also runs a small photography business for local and visiting families and weddings. In her spare hours Cristina manages many of the islands facebook pages. Cristina blogs, sings, dances, paints and snorkels and writes for Norfolk Online News because “if you want to get something done, ask a busy person”.
Betty arrived from Kiwiland in 2011 with her husband Stephen. Betty is always out with her camera and shares her pictures on her Facebook page Norfolk Island photos. Betty is a member of Flora & Fauna, NI Bowling Club and St John Ambulance as well as works at the NI Museum. The beach is her summer addiction, she loves fish photography. Betty proudly became a Norfolk Island Resident in 2016. Betty started writing for Norfolk Online in 2014. Famous Last Words- “I only take photo stories”.
There is not much we know about Cousin Fred. What we can tell you is that at one time he use to live on Norfolk Island before moving back to the West Island (Australia). Every week Cousin Fred write's an article from the West Island called "Life on the West Island".
Cousin Fred
Liz McCoy is a descendant of the Bounty Mutineers and is fluent in the Norfolk Island Language, growing up and living on Norfolk Island most of her life. Liz is a historian and tour guide and has just started up a her own personal touring company called Norfolk Island History and Genealogy. Specializing in smaller more personal tours. You can check out her at
Margaret Christian has researched and worked for over 25 years in the unique Norfolk Island environment. Margaret use to work as a Park ranger over 10 years ago and stated a eco tourism business on the island called The Natural History and bird finder tour. Margaret is also a renowned author, researcher, and tour guide for the unique and fragile eco-systems of Norfolk Island.
Mary Christian Bailey first came to Norfolk Island as a teacher just on 50 years ago. She is married to Bernie, who is a Norfolk Islander, and together they have five adult children, four of whom live and work on Norfolk Island, and they are now enjoying the blessings of grandchildren. They own and run Fletcher Christian Apartments. Mary has many interests, including arts and crafts, voluntary community work. and politics. Nowadays Mary especially enjoys writing, focussing on all the wonderful stories of Norfolk Island, both past and present.
Nicola is our Marketing Manager here at Norfolk Online and will work with you to design and implement a marketing package that best suits your business. She is an 8th generation Pitcairn descendant and has grown up and worked on the island. Nicola has spent a couple of years in Australia working and building more skills in marketing and business operations that she has brought back to Norfolk Online. If you have any questions about marketing your business on Norfolk Island please feel free to email her at
Peter Christian Bailey is a Norfolk Islander from the Christian family. He is interested in Norfolk's rich heritage and culture. He lives out Simons Water on family land which produces Beef, milk, and fruit and vegetables for the Island. He also plays Squash, and outrigger canoeing, and has represented Norfolk at an international level in both. He is currently pursuing Business interests in the tourism industry, and would like to see it return to the glory days of the past.
Peter (PUK)
Tim Young, a descendant of Edward Young, was born in New Zealand, brought up on Pitcairn Island. Tim married an Australian and spend many years living near the Gold Coast before moving to New Zealand. He is a writer and modeller. Tim has a passion for history and enjoys making snarky comments, and was approached several years ago to write for Norfolk Online for this very reason.