EMNI - 27th January 2022

27 January 2022

Histopath opening for Norfolk Island flights Brisbane Airport

Histopath laboratories at the Brisbane International Airport terminal has confirmed that they will again be opening at 6:30am on the mornings of Norfolk Island flights to provide PCR testing for passengers. The Brisbane clinics hours are 6:30am to 11:00pm seven days a week.

Histopath at Sydney airport is open from 8:00am to 11:30pm seven days per week.

The PCR testing results are generally available before your flight and an email of your result is also sent to you.

All travellers to Norfolk Island are required to submit a Travel Entry Pass, this is available at link https://norfolkau.viewpointcloud.com/.../record-types/6435 The Entry Pass is a statutory declaration and providing false information may result in penalties of up to $1,000.

Travellers must also complete a COVID test involving:

• a negative PCR test result in the 72 hours prior to arrival on island or,

• a negative Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) in the 48 hours prior to arrival and a negative RAT test undertaken within 24 hours of arrival on the island.

Those who have completed a RAT test are required to bring an additional test with them to comply with the above testing requirements; there are currently no tests available for purchase on the island.

Visitors to the island testing positive whilst in accommodation

With the island reopening to visitors from today we expect that some may test positive whilst here. This can be from not being detected in testing or encountering the virus whilst on the island. Visitors testing positive whilst on the island will be required to self-isolate in their respective accommodation. NIHRACS have advised that the period of self-isolation is being reduced to seven (7) days from testing. Release will still be undertaken by NIHRACS.

Updated case numbers as of 27 January 2022

The statistics below are as at midnight on Monday 26 January 2022.

COVID Statistics Number

Positive RAT tests (previous 24hrs) 0

Number of RAT tests conducted (previous 24hrs) 2

Daily average of positive tests (7days) 0.3

Current number of Active cases 10

Current number of high-risk cases 2

Close contacts and positive cases in isolation 21

Recovered (discharged) cases (Previous 24hrs) 0

Cumulative Statistic Number

Total number of positive (including recovered) 75

Total number of tests conducted 425

Recovered (discharged) cases 65

Table of vaccination statistics

Persons over the age of 12 years

1st dose 2nd dose Booster

Total to date 1703 1725 1165

EMT will be meeting again on 3 February 2022

Key points of contact

Welfare: Hayley Evans, email hayley.evans@nirc.gov.nf, phone- +672 3 52777

Incident Controller: Sergeant Mark Watson, email IO-Norfolk-Island@afp.gov.au, phone +672 3 22222

NIHRACS: Phone +672 3 22091 for all health-related enquiries

NIRC Website: www.norfolkisland.gov.nf/covid-19-advice-norfolk-island

EMNI Facebook: @emergencymanagementnorfolkisland


27 January 2021