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Norfolk Island is being run from afar. The Council has numerous staff who are based in Brisbane. The General Manager spends very large amounts of time away from Norfolk Island.
01 April 2022
Our Government understands the Norfolk Island community has particular needs due to the territory’s remote location. In the 2022 Federal Budget, we are prioritising the maintenance of critical infrastructure on Norfolk Island.
31 March 2022
Over the coming months, we will be analysing samples and will provide landholders with results from their properties. We will be back on island in October to complete the spring survey and look forward to seeing many of you again then.
31 March 2022
State of Emergency extension until April 30th, 2022The Emergency Management Norfolk Island Committee (EMNIC) has agreed to a request to extend the current State of Emergency (SoE)
31 March 2022
In our previous newsletter, we included the exciting news that Emily Bay was voted 6th in Top 10 Beaches in the South Pacific
25 March 2022
Due to Sun Interference there services on the da tes will be an outage to all international tele phone and internet and times below,
25 March 2022
It was great to have a set of fresh eyes developing the program activities and we can’t thank Riley enough for his hard work.
25 March 2022
Curator and researcher, Alisa Bunbury will be presenting her work ‘Getting to the art of it: early images of Norfolk Island’ during her visit to Norfolk in April.
25 March 2022
The Reserves and Conservation Advisory Committee held its second meeting on Tuesday the 22 March in the Council Chambers.
25 March 2022
25 March 2022
Cascade Reserve in the north of Norfolk Island has been added to the Commonwealth Heritage List, recognising the area’s significance for Australia’s early history and strong association with travel, transport and recreation for Norfolk Islanders.
24 March 2022