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In Parliament we have hit the ground running in 2023, continuing the momentum from our first six months in office. The first fortnight of Parliament was a busy, but productive one.
28 February 2023
The graph below provides a summary of the current progress of each of the EAFs in relations to their status
24 February 2023
The Australian and Queensland Governments have acknowledged the significant achievements made during the first year of service delivery to the Norfolk Island community under the partnership for state services.
24 February 2023
The Norfolk Island Continued Laws Amendment (Fire Control) Ordinance 2023 is now in effect. The Ordinance updates and improves
23 February 2023
After several rounds of broad community consultation and review between 2020 and 2022, the updates to local fire control laws have now come into effect,
23 February 2023
A sure-fire way of getting oneself into hot water is to try to make a definitive list of “thank yous
17 February 2023
Recent vandalism of public assets has now extended into the island’s Public Reserves. This includes defacing BBQ areas
16 February 2023
Japanese Privet, Tree Privet, Large Leaved Privet
16 February 2023
Th Norfolk Island Regional Council acknowledges the key role that education and training provides in building a strong and empowered ...
16 February 2023
The Waste Management Centre has recently improved its glass crushing operations
16 February 2023
I, Philip Reid, as NIRC Manager Planning and Environment and Conservator of Public Reserves declare the following public reserves to be reopened after temporary closed under section 34 (1) of the Public Reserves Act 1997 (NI):
16 February 2023