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The Norf’k Ailen Government is pleased to announce that Darren Dixon will be coming to Norf’k Ailen next week.
17 August 2023
In 1856 the Pitcairn Settlers (ouwas ancestors) came to Norf’k Ailen with their CONSTITUTION
17 August 2023
NIHRACS is pleased to inform the community that the NIHRACS Strategic Plan 2022-2027 has been approved and is being rolled out across the service
17 August 2023
The Commonwealth, under the Norfolk Island Service Delivery Agreement
11 August 2023
Audit findings have been circulated to outside parties and feature an international expression of interest calling...
11 August 2023
Last month, people were drawn into our beautiful paradise hook, line, and sinker.
11 August 2023
NIRC has been working with design consultantsPremise and Ranbury Management Group
11 August 2023
Thousands of troops engaged across the land, sea and air in Exercisee Talisman Sabre 2023. A different clientale than usual graced our airport departure lounge
11 August 2023
At the June extraordinary meeting of Council, Norfolk Island Regional Council resolved to adopt the 2023-24 Operational Plan and Budget,
11 August 2023
Norfolk Island Regional Council is excited to be opening round 7 of The Toon Buffett Environmental Trust Fund on the 18th August. This trust fund was established in 2005
11 August 2023
The following Development Application for permissible (with consent) use or development of land has been determined under the Planning Act 2002 (NI).
11 August 2023
The well was found by plant operator Regan Christian on 27 July, just east of the second tee on the golf course, with the top of the well about 40cm below the current ground surface.
11 August 2023