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20 January 2022
Travel to Norfolk Island
To reduce pressure on the health system during the current Omicron outbreak, EMNI has adopted a series of requirements for those travelling to the island. These are compulsory for everyone, and they are different to the requirements that are currently in place for most interstate travel on the mainland. It is important that all travellers to island comply with the directions; failure to do so may result in penalties.
All travellers to island are required to submit a Travel Entry Pass, this is available at link
Travellers must also complete a COVID test involving:
• a negative PCR test result in the 72 hours prior to arrival on island
• a negative Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) in the 48 hours prior to arrival and a negative RAT test undertaken within 24 hours of arrival on the island.
If you test positive for COVID, you are required to report this to the NIHRACS, phone 22091.
Information for Sporting Clubs
Sporting clubs wishing to resume regular activity, or host events, you are required to submit a COVID safe plan to the Incident Controller for review.
The key elements of your plan include safe facility management, hygiene practices, attendance registers and limiting shared equipment as much as possible. You can find more information on Sport Australia’s website
Updated case numbers as of 19 January 2022
The statistics below are as at midnight on Tuesday 18 January 2022.
COVID Statistics Number
Positive RAT tests (previous 24hrs) 3
Number of RAT tests conducted (previous 24hrs) 14
Daily average of positive tests (7days) 2.9
Current number of Active cases 31
Current number of high-risk cases 5
Close contacts and positive cases in isolation 50
Recovered (discharged) cases (Previous 24hrs) 0
Cumulative Statistic Number
Total number of positive (including recovered) 70
Total number of tests conducted 368
Recovered (discharged) cases 39
Table of vaccination statistics
Persons over the age of 12 years 5 – 11 years
1st dose 2nd dose Booster 1st dose 2nd dose Booster
Total to date 1702 1722 737 0 0 0
Paediatric vaccines have arrived on island. The roll out of the vaccine program for 5-11-year-old children is in the planning stages. More information will be provided to the community in the coming weeks.
Key points of contact
Welfare: Hayley Evans, email, phone- +672 3 52777
Incident Controller: Sergeant Mark Watson, email, phone +672 3 22222
NIHRACS: Phone +672 3 22091 for all health-related enquiries
NIRC Website:
EMNI Facebook: @emergencymanagementnorfolkisland
19 January 2021