Public Library

28 October 2021

The Public Library has relocated from New Cascade Road to Taylors Road in the Bicentennial Complex. The new facility backs on to the Tourist Bureau and is accessible from the Rawson Hall car park.

The Library is now open to the community; the opening hours remain the same as previously.

Monday: 10am - 1pm and, 4pm - 6pm

Wednesday: 10am - 1pm

Friday: 1pm - 4pm

Saturday: 10am - 12pm

This new facility was made possible by funding received from the Commonwealth Government as part of the Economic Stimulus Package for Norfolk Island.

I would like to thank all those involved in the building of the new facility and all those who helped in shifting the infrastructure and books, in particular: Simone and Brian James, Andrea Greenwood, Kellie Ryan, Wendy Morrice and Kim Van Der Kevie.

In the coming weeks, a community survey about the services that the Library delivers, as well as the opening hours, will be available.

You can view the Library catalogue online at link https://norfolkisland.softlink...

Leanne Webb


28 October 2021