Norfolk Island Teacher Consultative Committee – Communique #11

18 November 2021

The Committee met on Thursday 11 November 2021.

The Committee received a briefing from the Queensland Education Officials visiting the Norfolk Island Central School (NICS) this week to progress transition planning. The Queensland Officials thanked the NICS staff and community for making the time to meet with the delegation.

The Committee discussed the ongoing matters of leave portability and superannuation defined benefits and noted communication with teachers on these matters is of the highest priority. The Committee also discussed responses to a number of additional questions received from teaching staff since the previous meeting.

Advice has been provided to teaching staff on how to access funding from the Australian Government to seek independent financial advice. Teaching staff are encouraged to access independent financial advice to inform individual decisions regarding employment arrangements in 2022.

The Committee will meet again on Thursday 18 November 2021.

Sarah Vandenbroek

Chair – Norfolk Island Teacher Consultative Committee