EMNI - 18 March 2022

18 March 2022

State of Emergency
The end date of the State of Emergency (Recovery) under the Disaster and Emergency Management Act 2001 (NI) is 31 March 2022. EMT is of the understanding that legislative changes have been made recently which may affect the management of COVID-19 on the island. The EMT is seeking clarification on the impact of these changes and will be in a better position to advise the community what will happen moving forward once more information is known.

Information about the requirements for travel to Norfolk Island remain in place. This information is available on the Council’s website at link http://www.norfolkisland.gov.nf/covid-19-advice-norfolk.... All travel related enquiries are to be directed to the Incident Controller. Key points of contact are detailed at the end of this media release.

Updated case numbers as of 17 March 2022
The statistics below are as at midnight on Wednesday 16 March 2022.
COVID Statistics Number
Positive RAT tests (previous 24hrs) 1
Number of RAT tests conducted (previous 24hrs) 1
Daily average of positive tests (7days) 0.1
Current number of Active cases 1
Close contacts and positive cases in isolation 4
Recovered (discharged) cases (Previous 24hrs) 0

Cumulative Statistic
Total number of positive (including recovered) 125
Total number of tests conducted 1054
Recovered (discharged) cases 124
In addition to the statistics tables above the NIHRACs has had 16 hospitalisations and two (2) medivacs due to COVID.

Key points of contact Welfare: Hayley Evans, email hayley.evans@nirc.gov.nf, phone- +672 3 52777Incident Controller: Sergeant Mark Watson, email IO-Norfolk-Island@afp.gov.au, phone +672 3 22222NIHRACS: Phone +672 3 22091 for all health-related enquiriesNIRC Website: www.norfolkisland.gov.nf/covid-19-advice-norfolk-islandEMNI Facebook: @emergencymanagementnorfolkisland14:3017 March 2022EMT