25 January 2024

Thanks to a resident’s query about the best way to dispose of bagged dog poo, Council has clarified the issue with Revolve Your World and offers two options to dog owners:

• Sanitary stream – only if the waste is put into a normal plastic bag. Council is in the process of swapping our public bins over to match the Norfolk Wave streams, so these bags are preferably taken home or taken directly to the Recycling Centre for placing into the sanitary stream. Once public bins are changed over, plastic wrapped dog waste can be placed in the Sanitary bin.

• Organics stream – only if put into a compostable bag. Note, this does NOT include degradable or biodegradable bags, as these just break down into smaller plastics. If you are carrying compostable bags, they can go into the food scraps bucket on the end of the public bins. Alternatively, they can be taken straight to the Recycling Centre.

Council is looking into a trial of compostable bags available at public bins, with information to follow when available