04 March 2022

Committed to charting a path towards long-term sustainability and resilience, the Norfolk Island Regional Council is progressing work on a Food Security Strategy for Norfolk Island. This piece of work aligns with the Community Strategic Plan 2016-2026, and its objective to create a food secure community. The Strategy will produce a fiveyear action plan to support the local agricultural economy and build resilience through regenerative farming practices, increase in agrobiodiversity and optimising resource use. 

Since January 2021, consultations with key stakeholders have helped build knowledge to shape this policy document and provide with a transformational vision for Norfolk Island. The Norfolk Island community has a strong attachment to local food and traditions, and many community members are, or aspiring to be, involved in the local food system. There is a strong demand from both tourists and residents for better access to local food products, and many see significant untapped market potential. Yet, Norfolk Isl and’s agricultural sector and agrifood businesses also face a unique set of impediments, including high energy and input costs, expensive freight and irregular freight schedules, water insecurity and frequent droughts. 

The Strategy will consider the multiple elements that affect Norfolk Island’s agrifood sector including climate change, isolation and external dependence, costs of inputs, water access. It will ultimately aim to drive public and private investment for the development of Norfolk Island’s agricultural sector, seeking to integrate a range of sustainability objectives core to the wellbeing of the community - nutrition and health, environmental stewardship, waste reduction and a local circular economy. The outcome of the Strategy will be a more holistic approach to land and resources management. It is also about building a new balance between ecology, economics and future opportunities for Norfolk Islanders - building resilient landscapes, restoring healthy agroecosystems and creating vibrant local food businesses for generations to come. A Steering Committee has been set up to guide the development of the Food Security Strategy. 

A land capability assessment for agriculture will be conducted in March and April 2022 to inform the development of the Strategy. NIRC will present the draft Strategy at a public meeting / workshop to be held in late May for community members to provide inputs. In the meantime, if you have any interest in the topic or questions, NIRC would be interested to hear from you. Please contact us - 

Cristelle Maurin 
Food Security Advisor
4 March 2022